Alore Example Programs
This page contains several small example programs that illustrate different Alore features. These and other examples are included in the Alore distribution, under directory demo.
Browse examples in the repository
- Hello, world
- Largest directories (dynamic typing)
- Most frequent words (static typing)
- Complex numbers (static typing)
Hello, world
Print('hello, world')
Largest directories
-- Usage: nlargest.alo [DIR [N]] -- -- Find the N largest subdirectories of DIR (default to '.' and 10). import os def Main(args) var n = 10 var dir = '.' if args != [] dir = args[0] if args.length() > 1 n = Int(args[1]) end end LargestDirs(n, dir) end -- Display the n largest subdirectories of dir. def LargestDirs(n, dir) var a = [] DirSizes(dir, a) a = Reversed(Sort(a)) for size, d in a[:n] Print('{-8:} {}'.format(size div 1024, d)) end end -- Append to res a tuple (size, subdir) for each subdirectory of dir and return -- the total size of files in dir. def DirSizes(dir, res) var size = 0 for n in ListDir(dir) var p = Join(dir, n) if IsFile(p) size += Stat(p).size elif IsDir(p) and not IsLink(p) var s = DirSizes(p, res) res.append((s, NormPath(p))) size += s end end return size end
Most frequent words
-- Usage: wordfreq.alo N FILE ... -- -- Display the N most frequent words in file(s). Assume that the files are -- text files encoded using the platform default encoding. -- -- This example uses static typing. import io, re def Main(args as Array<Str>) if args.length() < 2 WriteLn('Usage: wordfreq.alo N FILE ...') Exit(1) end -- Construct a map (hash table) from Str to Int. var map = Map() as <Str, Int> var n = Int(args[0]) -- Calculate word counts. for fnam in args[1:] var s = TextFile(fnam).read() for word in Subst(s, '\W', ' ').split() map[word] = map.get(word, 0) + 1 end end -- Construct an array of (int, string) tuples. var a = [] as <(Int, Str)> for word, freq in map a.append((freq, word)) end -- Display the n most frequent words with frequencies. for freq, word in Reversed(Sort(a)[-n:]) WriteLn('{-6:} {}'.format(freq, word)) end end
Complex numbers
module complex -- A basic complex number class with static typing. This example illustrates -- the following features: -- -- * module definition -- * class definition -- * operator overloading (methods such as _eq and _add) -- -- See also the example "complex2" for a more elaborate implementation of -- complex numbers. import math -- Examples: -- Complex(0.0, -2.0) (complex number -2.0j) -- Complex(0.0, 2.0) + Complex(1.5, -0.5) (complex addition) class Complex const re as Float const im as Float -- Since we don't define a constructor, we get the default constructor -- create(re, im). -- Absolute value. def abs() as Float return Sqrt(re**2 + im**2) end -- Complex conjugate. def conj() as Complex return Complex(re, -im) end -- Conversion to string; allows Str(complex). def _str() as Str if im >= 0 return '({} + {}j)'.format(re, im) else return '({} - {}j)'.format(re, -im) end end -- The "==" operation. def _eq(n as Object) as Boolean if n is Complex var c = (n as Complex) -- Downcast to Complex return re == and im == else return False end end -- The "+" operation. def _add(c as Complex) as Complex return Complex(re +, im + end -- The "-" operation. def _sub(c as Complex) as Complex return Complex(re -, im - end -- The "*" operation. def _mul(c as Complex) as Complex return Complex(re * - im *, im * + re * end -- The "/" operation. def _div(c as Complex) as Complex var d =**2 +**2 return Complex((re * + im * / d, (im * - re * / d) end end